Elder Jake Parry
Arizona Phoenix Mission
Monday, July 28, 2014
Look, the Phoenix Temple Open House will be announced by the First
Presidency and everybody will know at the exact same time. It will be
a headline on LDS.org and you won't miss it. The time period will be
short because the neighbors heard how many people came to the Gilbert
open house and they got grumpy. Lame. I don't know if we are doing
anything in the open house but I would highly recommend calling the
mission office to figure out what to do. From what it sounds like, it
is basically done, they are just waiting for better weather.
I got your package! It is so rad! Thanks. The Chile pepper pillowcases
are actually my favorites that you have given me. Elder Dart and I
began using those from Day 1! I knew you think I would love them and
you were right. Thanks for the food too. I have a lot of food in this
apartment now haha.
The interview with President Griffin was so fun! We got to go to the
mission home (it was only my fourth time) and eat lunch with him and
Sister Griffin. They are the sweetest, stress-free, excited, calm,
ready to lead us out, and their testimonies are on solid ground.
President Griffin is so funny and very loving. I didn't think I could
get closer with anyone after President Taylor but this won't be a
problem. PG is actually super cattle-ranch style too. It is funny he
says stuff like "s'many" instead of "so many" and stuff like that. He
owns a lot of land in Montana and he said that the church owns the
most ranch land in the world out of any other institution. The first
interview was me, Elder Dart, and him. He was talking up Elders Dart
and Andrus (before me; just went home) to me and telling me what great
shoes they have to fill which is true and it is really cool to be a
part of that group. He kept poking fun at Elder Dart that he is going
home soon. Elder Dart is way cool because he is not trunky at all and
he won't be. Very honorable. Reminds me of my trainer. He also tells
me that he doesn't have feelings. So I working on getting deep into
his feelings haha. In that interview President Griffin talked about
all the people in the zone. Great insights. In the personal interview
PG talked about Virtue using the scriptures and personal experience.
It was powerful. It is good for every missionary to have. His style is
very different. PT got on the same page with us by sending us texts 3
times a week, writing us every week, and posting on facebook
(journalism) and PG gets on the same page with us by trying to have
40-minute interviews in the Mission home with the whole mission,
telling us to stay after meetings a little bit so we can talk and be
of assistance to others, and by visiting us. Both great styles.
I went on 2 exchanges this week. I actually ran into some HUGE
miracles in both days. Elder Weiler is really cool. I lead out the
area so I really didn't know what I was doing. We met for the exchange
at the football stadium which is kind of cool because every time I
watch the Super Bowl in Glendale for the rest of my life I can say
that I met there in the parking lot for exchanges haha. We had a lot
of fun though and Elder Weiler is a smart guy. He isn't trunky either.
Great mission. I have a funny picture of him reading Dad's letter; he
brought it to us from the office and was wearing his own Yankees shirt
that night he was looking at all the pictures of you guys. I went with
Elder Osai on exchanges in his area. I was on bike and actually burned
my arms hard core because it hadn't been that hot for me on bike since
august. I enjoyed it. We talked to probably 15 people on the streets
(people don't normally leave their AC to go outside here). It was
sweet. Elder Osai is from HAwaii and has been out one month. It was
the first time leading his area out and he did a fantastic job. Very
great job. He got lots of confidence from it.
La Joya is an interesting place. We are working on really getting the
members converted! It is tough. They have a lot of marriage problems
so the last two sundays we have talked about Chastity, marriage,
divorce, temple sealings etc. in all 3 hours. That, along with Evan
maybe getting married (Really!? Man that is crazy), and Elders Dart
and Arave going home soon has focused me on marriage this past week! I
am so excited. I have been thinking about it so much that Elder Dart
keeps telling me that I need to wait at least 6 months to get married
even though he doesn't think I will be able to. I want to get married
so bad, but I think I will be okay because I don't have any potential
investigators to go home to haha. Start at ground one. See what people
you can bring to the aeropuerto! Anyway, I love La Joya. Barrio
Estrella was phenomenal. Elder DArt did a baptismal interview
yesterday so we went back and visited for a bit. Didn't realize how
much I missed them until I saw them again. Great people. These two
wards are very different though.
I wish I made more time to write because I learned so much this week
and we had a lot of great lessons, learnings, contacts, and events
that I would love to tell you about. I don't really remember what I
did yesterday though so I am all over the place. The whole week was
good and I am always thinking about all of you and what you are up to
day-in and day-out. I can't wait to come home and groove with you all
and show you some cool tricks I have learned out here and learn from
what you are all up to! I am cheering for Evan and Sophie. If she has
any sisters, you can tell them my address!!! Love you all. Keep up the
good work.
Love you, Elder Parry
Monday, July 21, 2014
Graveyard Shift
Dear Family,
The week one gets transferred is always the longest week (even though
it is typically the shortest between P-days) because there always is a
lot to do. This transfer, area, companionship, ward, zone all seem to
be off to a fantastic and fun start and the theme for the transfer
will be "graveyard shift." I will tell you why. First of all, saying
goodbye to all the Estrella friends was AWESOME, basically because I
have had so much fun with them and felt so much love towards them. I
took some great pictures with some great people. I wish I could've
seen all. Pero ni modo esta bien. Elder Castro scheduled 2 lessons
with less-active families that night so we went and visited them. We
started the rounds of visiting at 8:15 so we had to blitz! Needless to
say, The Lord helped us see everyone :) Last night I was at the stake
center and ran into a bunch of Estrella members so we are still pretty
Yes I came to La Joya. It is good here. After having served here a bit
(granted this is only a one-week impression) I would opinion that
Barrio Estrella is the strongest Spanish ward in the mission because
La Joya got the weaker half when the two wards split not too long ago.
But the work is moving forward very well and I love the ward. Elders'
Quorum was full of some goons (I felt like we were in Deacons' quorum
haha). Hermano R. was using the wrong teaching manual, putting
Starburst wrappers in peoples' ears (including my own), and doing
anything but participating until he got too tired and fell asleep. His
neighbor filmed him sleeping. Bishop Menchaka came yesterday for the
first time in 4 weeks. Apparently he is gone to Indiana for work so
much that he only makes it once a month. Anyway, don't jump to
conclusions about the ward. I love it and the members are strong. I am
excited to meet more. I have made friends with Hermanos Ruiz, Carcamo,
Gaunte, Morales, Marquina, Galarza, Tienda, Grady, and a few others.
Great families. We are teaching a few people. One is Reynaldo (people
call him "Champion"). He is legit! He came to church and loved it and
we read the Book of Mormon with him last night with Hermano Tienda. He
is progressing strong and we have high expectations for him. We got
into a less-active brother (Hermano Reveles)'s house for the first
time in 6 months so we will continue there.
As for the graveyard shift, I will just cut to the chase; Elder Dart
goes home in FOUR WEEKS along with my roommate Elder Arave. They are
getting a head start on school so they go home 8 days BEFORE
transfers! Ay-caray! To make a long story longer, any mission and ward
responsibilities I am learning right now I will have to take over solo
in about 4 weeks. In fact, Elder Johnson will be my companion for
those 8 days and we will just happily suffer together. Elder Johnson
is Elder Arave's companion. He has been out 10 months and is a strong
person, but we are both pretty clueless about these leader
responsibilities. However, I am excited for the challenge, and am
paying really close attention to detail. Tonight I have an exchange
with Elder Weiler here in this area (they threw me under the bus
early, but that is okay because Elder Dart has been super nice to me
by scheduling a lot of set appointments for tomorrow :). Thursday we
are going to the Mission Home so that President Griffin can get to
know us a lot better for 40 minutes each. I am excited for that
because I would love to be around and learn from him more. So I am
getting thrown into the mix of things quick! It was never something I
wanted but I am here where The Lord calls me. Speaking of that,
transfers were great. Mainly because my testimony of President Griffin
and Taylor following the Spirit is like a perfect knowledge now. It is
fascinating to me to see Pres. Griffin make what I would think are the
EXACT same changes that President Taylor would have done. In fact, I
felt like I saw changes very similar when Barrio Estrella changed all
the leadership. I have concluded that this style is the style of the
Spirit and that all these leaders are following it. It was a cool
testimony-builder for me. Sometime when I have more time, I would like
to share the specifics that I have observed with how this style works.
It is cool! I know President Griffin followed the Spirit. So I guess
to cap it off, I am in the same zone. I am the oldest in the zone
along with Elders Dart and Reid (like Surprise). I still see Elder
Castro and my old district often enough. There is still a
crazy-awesome trio of Hermanas in that District. One of the Estrella
hermanas got transferred with me to La Joya haha. You might recognize
Elder Arave's name. I went on my first exchange with him 18 months
ago. I love him and we are having so much fun. We talk about Elder
Pollmeier, Agua Fria, he served with Elder Ramos in Barrio Estrella,
He lived with Elder Cardoso, so we have a lot to talk about. Elder
Dart is the bomb too. He is bold and very thorough when it comes to
getting things done. We have taught really well together this week. He
is from Logan, UT (Mountaincrest HS) and is going to UTAH STATE in
like 4 weeks ay caray. I kind of hope that I don't finish my mission
here (I have my pre-conceived plan/dream that I would like to fulfill
my last 4 transfers haha; we will see if it happens; probably not),
but I would say 50/50 that I will.
I am learning a lot out here. President Griffin has already dropped a
few memorable quotes. He told us that they are things that we "might
want to push our pencils to doing" (He is style Montana-farmboy haha):
"Increased worthiness combined with hard work," and "teach someone to
enable them to learn. Show someone to enable them to do." Well,
sometimes I feel like things are wrapping up here in the mission, but
I know what it is that I must do and I am sticking to it to the end of
the service out here! I am excited and know there are a bunch more
people out there that still need to be talked to. You are all doing a
great job. Work hard, pray hard and keep being obedient :D
Love, Elder Parry
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Transferred to La Joya, ZL
Dear Family,
This week was wild. Have I said that about every week? We went to the
Mesa Temple visitor's center on Saturday with the ward missionaries,
the Hermana misioneras, and Mariana y Ernesto. It was a very special
experience! We watched an hour long video on the Book of Mormon then
saw all the exhibits and got tours from the Visitor Center Hermana
missionaries (It looks as if the Spirit only sends pretty Hermanas to
serve there). Ernesto is still being kind of tough. He said that he
really can't focus on marriage or baptism for the next three months
because he has a lot to clear up. Mariana is still staying very
strong. She looked at the Temple, sighed, and said that she wants to
go inside very bad. I love her. She is such a neat person. I felt the
Spirit very distinctly when I saw a statue of Christ and the quote
behind Him about our "yoke being light." Very special.
We really don't have a lot to say about President Griffin since last
work, or since he came for that matter. He is super busy and really
trying to get comfortable. To sum it up; other than a few things he
invited us to study on our own when we had interviews, he has just
carried on everything President Taylor style. So far transfers are the
same and we will have a meeting tomorrow (thank goodness!). He hasn't
written us weekly emails. Either he is busy or it is style not to
write us(?) I am not bothered. President Griffin is the man. I look
forward to how he guides this mission. One thing I do know is that he
is following the Spirit.
Friday was one of the most spiritually powerful days of my mission!
Elder Castro challenged me and said it was probably the most I had
felt the Spirit with a Mexican in my life. I laughed and told him that
he was right. Hermano Barrera and Hermana Luz Vega said that they came
to their senses and will be returning to church. It was a brief scare,
but the Spirit has helped them to realize what is best. We had a
powerful conversation too. Hermana lamented about having found the
Gospel 70 years into her life and they both shared how they thought we
were lucky. We told them that God chose and reserved them too. We just
have different roles #BookofAbraham. That same night Leo said he would
be baptized. We knocked down (by we I mean IT WAS ALL THE SPIRIT) two
of his doubts: not knowing everything, and not having a solid sign
yet. We watched a video where Uchtdorf challenges us not to retard our
Spiritual growth by waiting for a sign like Saul did. The Spirit was
very strong. Earlier that day we had District meeting. We talked about
receiving revelation through prayer. One of the Hermanas, Hermana
Stanley, began to ask more questions and bring up more doubts. We
split into practice teaching and she began to get really emotional.
One of her companions got emotional too. Hermana Stanley is a 6-year
convert and her family stopped going to church while she has been out
here. It sounded hard for her. Anyway, Elders McMillan and Reid (my
roommates) began to help her with her doubts and the Spirit just
filled up. It was a REAL practice teach. It was me, Hermanas Stanley,
Turner, and Dayton (the Trio) and Alma and Amulek (Reid and Mcmillan).
I have lived with Elder Reid for 6 months and for the first time I saw
him get emotional as he read the Conversation between God and Enoc in
Moses 7. It was powerful. Hermana Dayton went home today. It was kind
of crazy for me because we were in the mission home together and we
served here in the ward together for 6 months. She is an outstanding
missionary! I have loved learning from her and all the Hermanas in
this District. I counted; I have served with 9 different ones here in
the ward! I don't want to sound cheesy or anything--and despite what
most Elders say--I LOVE working with these sisters. I am going to miss
this district. There is a lot to learn from all these missionaries and
it is fun to build a strong and appropriate relationship with them.
I love this ward. I love Elder Castro. I am excited for whatever
challenges there are (La Joya--my next ward--'s Bishop goes to church
once a month because of work). I can't believe it has been 6 months
since I got here. I feel like I didn;t so enough! I have learned a
lot. I know that God is proud of me. I am happy to be doing what I am
doing. My testimony is strengthening and my conversion is deepening. I
have made a lot of great friends. I feel like I am at kind of a
mission milestone right now; The Hermanas I came out with just went
home and I have 4 solid transfers left. I haven't had a set of 4
transfers at any point of my mission that didn't go by fast!
Love, Elder Parry
Monday, July 7, 2014
Saying Hello to the Griffins
Hello Family!
We had an awesome week of meeting the Griffins! We had very brief
interviews and I was first! He asked me what he could do to be a good
President to me. I told him that I just like to do things how they are
supposed to be done so a little chastising and productive criticism is
what would help. He then agreed and said that things need to change if
we are going to be able to keep up with the Hastening of the Work. I
was really happy to hear from him. He came from the MTC (after having
heard from all 15 Apostles), with MUCHAS GANAS to hasten the work. He
has caught the vision, and I am excited to see what he does because I
have been working hard all my mission and I know that the work needs
to be hastened more, but I can never feel like I know exactly how. He
also asked me how long I have left and when I told him he said, "Oh
that's great. We have plenty of time to work together. We will get
some work done." That was fun! He also told me in the interview that
his number one purpose is to be here for me (the missionaries), and
that he is here to help. I love him already. Sister Griffin is great
too. They seem much more soft-spoken than the Taylors. They definitely
aren't as energetic or confident as they were. The transition is kind
of funny because we sent home someone with SO MUCH experience, and
confidence and leadership in the field for someone fresh and new. I am
excited to work with them. We will see if the Spirit tells him to
transfer me next week. Can you believe we already have them!? I wanted
to share one of the last things that President Taylor said before
leaving because I think it sums him up in a great nutshell. I was with
Elder Soper yesterday (friend from the zone; going home next week). He
had a going-home meeting with him and a few other missionaries and
President rhetorically asked: "do you feel like your mission has been
accepted by The Lord?" And then after a silence he said; "once you
have said yes, you can leave and get back to your areas." That is how
President is. He was super focused on enhancing success in bringing
people unto Christ, improving effectiveness, and making great leaders
in the church, but always in the end, he focused on how the Doctrine
of Christ makes us happy and about how The Lord is proud of everything
we are doing regardless of the results. I love President and Sister
We actually met them on the 4th! It was fun because all 29 of us were
wearing red, white, and blue! Not as cool as being in the Big Apple
but I won't forget this Fourth of July! Speaking of not forgetting, I
was having flashbacks to my first night (4th of July) with Elder
Miller last year when I was on the balcony watching fireworks. No
fireworks this year! I just wrote in my journal for two hours, soaked
my toe because I am fixing an in-grown toenail, ate donuts, laughed
with the other three missionaries, watched my FAVORITE movie (Mountain
of The Lord), and went to bed early.
The next morning we went to the Mesa Temple! It was a blast. We went
with the Sepulveda family and a bunch of other friends from the ward.
Josue Sepulveda leaves on his mission in a month so he went through
for the first time! It was super special. I went with an inspired
question and got a bunch of answers so that was nice too. Josue really
enjoyed it and he comes from a very strong family (with fewer than 2
years in the Church). It is definitely one of the strongest families I
have come to know out here in the valley. It is cool to see such a new
family volunteering for everything, offering prayers and participating
in several meetings, going to the temple regularly, serving as leaders
in the ward, and sending kids on missions. Hermano Sepulveda had his
first week as WML with us. He is doing a great job. He is very humble
and ready to learn so us 7 missionaries have kind of taken him under
our wing. We are working together. It was his third time to the temple
since he works a lot. It was funny because Josue had Hermano Martinez
as his escort and Hermano Sepulveda told Elder Castro and I to be his
escort because he was still kind of lost haha. He is doing well
though. We went out for a couple lessons with Hermano Soto this week.
That was really cool because he opened up with us! He has had time
away from the temple and he wants to make it back. He is a sweet guy
and had a genuine testimony. Then he bore his testimony at church
yesterday about how great he felt in the lessons. The members of this
ward and this culture are so faithful and so dedicated!
I had my first Haboob here in the valley after being here 17 months.
It was kind of crazy. One of the first times in my mission going into
a woman's house without there being a man inside. We weren't going to
go in until she told us to turn around we saw a wave of dirt steaming
towards us haha. We also watched a 50 minute talk from the MTC by
Elder Bednar in District meeting. I am sure Evan remembers it:
"Turning outward: the Character of Christ." It was epic. Elder Bednar
is my hero.
The last thing I will share is from an experience we had this week
with Hermano Barerra. It was bad. I felt terrible. Basically, He and
his neighbor are really put off by their relationship with the Bishop
and just flat-out told us that they are going to need to go inactive
for a bit. They said that their testimonies of the Restored Gospel are
unwavering, but they just cannot go and be around him anymore. It was
tough. Hermano Barrera has been one of my biggest heroes in my
mission. It broke my heart. I learned a lot from the experience. We
all have agency and NO ONE is freely active the rest of your life.
What I mean is that inactivity can happen to anyone. It is a scary
thought. It is scary because we know the consequences and we know what
we miss out on if we aren't active. You just never know! I never
thought this would happen to him. I was doing a lot of thinking this
week about people casually missing church. It is starting to really
bug me. We don't make a covenant upon baptism to go to church when it
is convenient. That is ridiculous. We are going to miss Sundays
because of whatever the reason is. But people are just going to Mexico
on the weekends, being too tired, or having VISITORS OVER!? That is
just about the worst possible member-missionary work you could do;
staying home to attend to visitors. I have been working for a long
time about holding the Lord's standard up unapologetically. I think I
am making some good strides :) Our (this can apply to members to in
many instances!) job isn't to be friends, allow disobedience, and help
people justify. Our job is to hold the Lord's expectations high, just
how he is, and inspire people to make the right decision. We don't
decide if that offends them or not. That is their decision. It doesn't
matter how mad it makes people if it is God's standard! I know this
sounds kind of harsh, but I promise it is being applied with love! I
have learned a lot about finding this balance. We tried this twice
last night with some members and I think it worked. As for Hermano
Barerra, we were frank with him because we love him and he is our
friend, and his actions are unacceptable. I felt the Spirit as we
talked about his temple covenants. I know we handled it out we should
have. I know those covenants are sacred. I know that The Lord is able
to work through us as his instruments. I feel a strong trust with him.
I am excited to see what is next in store!
Love, Elder Parry
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