Elder Jake Parry

Elder Jake Parry
Arizona Phoenix Mission

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Not Transferred!

Not transferred!!!

I might be stuck here until the end. That sounds negative though;
Elder McCuch is one of my favorite companions. I have grown to love
this ward the more I have worked with them. President Griffin actually
called us yesterday morning to give us the entire scoop and because he
couldn't hold it in haha. His style is so different! He continues to
prove himself a loose cannon haha. He turned 11 zones into 14 zones
and I think he is splitting up every zone leader companionship but us
to do it. Our zone is now the biggest in the mission! Only one person
changed. It was Elder Reid. I got to the zone with him in the same car
9 months ago and we lived together for 6 of those months. He is one of
my best friends out here. He is way cool. I am pumped though.
President has a lot of trust in us. And there are 7 people being
trained in the zone so I feel like Grandpa Parry among all these
younglings haha. President Griffin is definitely inspired though. I
have not doubted that so far.

Enough with the laundry business. This week was fabulous! It is weird
to think that I am nearing single-digit weeks. But there is still a
lot of work to get done! I feel like everything we are doing out here
is speeding up and accelerating. It is hard to keep the pace with what
is going on haha. The Sisters in the APM are in the Temple 36 hours a
week starting last week. Everyone in the mission is playing with the
new apps we have and making all these electronic tools to use for
proselyting. It is giving me a headache haha. WE WATCHED MEET THE
MORMONS!!! It was EPIC. Very inspiring. I predict (actually guarantee)
that mom will cry! Heck, I cried. It was so good! We actually have it
on our ipad too #APM. It had some wonderful messages. Very well-made
movie. The church is doing a lot of cool things right now.

Gerardo and Anah came to 2 conference sessions and enjoyed them very
much. We had dinner with them after. Gerardo listens to Lds.org on his
headphones at work. Anah was feeling sad one day about her mom dying
so she searched on the internet for "Spanish Catholic movies" and it
came up with The Other Side of Heaven. So she watched it and cried
even more when she found out it was a Mormon movie. They are moving
but want to find a home within La Joya because they have made so many
friends. They are doing great, they just aren't married which is
starting to worry me a little...

Conference was wonderful. We watched all 5 sessions at the stake
center. After the Sunday morning session, we had a luncheon with the
La Joya AND the Estrella Hermanos! It was greaet! It was a reunion!!!
(Elder McCuch served in Estrella Tambien). I hate 9 tostadas of
seviche mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 🍤🍤🍤🍤🍤 I got a lot out of conference and
could go on about it. But I won't. The biggest learning I had was that
of making decisions. Elders Christofferson, Scott, Godoy, and Ballard
all shared talks about that which I loved. My two favorite talks were
both President Uchtdorf's!!!! "Is it I?" and the one about finding
truth from God. The latter was something that I have been studying for
the last month off and on. I can't wait for it to come in print/ipad.

It was Gerardo's, Elder Anderson's, and Elder McCuch's Dad's Birthday
all on thursday! We had a lot of partying. We pushed E. Anderson's
face in cake a bunch, ate seviche with Gerardo, and Elder McCuch
called his Dad. He is doing fine! The first week of treatment went
really well!!! Only like 3 weeks more. :D

Love you, Keep the faith, Endure to the endowment every week with a
renewel in the temple :D

Love, Elder Parry

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