Elder Jake Parry

Elder Jake Parry
Arizona Phoenix Mission

Monday, September 16, 2013

I Love the Estrella Branch

So last night we checked up on an investigator (He kind of avoids us and yet is almost halfway through the Book of Mormon as he has been reading it; we aren't complaining a whole lot, it is just a little bit odd) and he is a Red Sox fan and said he was watching the game last night. So I did know they were playing! How are they so good this year? I feel so detached. Papi, Pedroia, who else? Who even plays outfield?
Elder Dodd and I had a real, fun success on Facebook this week! I sent President Monson's talk on Patriarchal Blessings to Deseret (the 'less-active' wife to Clemente). She came to church (Clemente had to work) with her two small kids, stayed all three hours--for the first time since I have been here!!--, and they all enjoyed it. She told us that she set up an interview to work to get her blessing with President Aguirre on a weekday! and said that the temple is the next step for her after this. We told her to slow down and take it little by little haha. But she was super excited! And we were MORE excited!! It was a miracle. Clemente will follow in her footsteps. The good thing is that she was normally the least driven of the 2! This should get Clemente going and encourage him even more I am sure! It was really neat to see some fruits of Facebook. Other than that, I am doing a lot of contacting of old friends from things like leadership conferences in DC, Valley Forge, Boys' State and stuff like that. That is really the only place I have found 'non-members.' It actually isn't going bad. Those old groups are pretty useful. Who knows, maybe I met someone from one of those 3-6 day vacations that I can help introduce to the Gospel here on my mission in Arizona? Right now I am just catching up with them and chatting before I bring up anything church-related. Facebook is moving. Like and share, AND post some of your own stuff :D
Sometimes I feel like I am serving my mission in Africa haha. I know people serving in Africa would call me soft but some funny things have been happening this week. Our fridge is on the highest temperature it can be and it has freezed all our milk gallons, meat, yogurt, and even fruit for the week haha. This morning, after we had gotten up early so we would have time to pre-wash and what-not, we took our clothes to the laundromat at our apartments and found out it was closed this week. We don't know what to do haha. Elder Dodd ripped his shirt because he fell off his bike this week. I felt bad. And we have gotten rides from members a little this week and when they drop us off in our area in El Mirage they either laugh or kind of scowl because of how low-budget it looks. El Mirage is nothing like Surprise! Anyway, fun week haha. We had a couple good meals; lunch at one of our member's mexican restaurants. I had a gigantic tostada. I think we glanced at the TV and saw that a Seattle football player caught a kick with one hand and returned it for a TD or something? We also had lasagna with the Zayas yesterday. A chilean-Mexican couple made us American food.
We had the first trainer/trainee meeting this week. Tuesday we split off into groups: trainers and trainees. Each group had 60 people. That is 30 people coming in in each of the last 2 transfers. President said we are getting 56 (and counting) in the next 2 transfers with 9 going home. Fun stuff. It was a great meeting. Always great to see President and Sister Taylor. But I received some great revelation and learned a lot about things I could be doing. It was also nice to hear from Sister Taylor at the end of the meeting challenge us all to go home and write in our journal one night about everything we are doing right. Sometimes she is exactly what I need! It was a relaxing and happy experience to do. We texted her and told her how it boosted our spirits and Pres. Taylor kind of gave us a shoutout for the text in the weekly email. They are awesome. It was also cool to see friends from all over the mission.
I love the Estrella Branch. Sundays are the best days because I see so many happy, friendly members. Some people we are teaching; the G family and the C family were swallowed up by the ward. It is very very awesome to see them get talked to and included. Hermana J brought her Dad ('non-member' from Venezuela) to church and we talked to him and he seemed to really enjoy it. The M twins brought their black friend from football to church and he said he will come next week-but in a white shirt instead-and start going regularly to church and EARLY MORNING SEMINARY too--even though he can't understand Spanish. He are having a hard time thinking about who would teach him haha. His mom is interested too. The members are so fun though. They just make me smile and I think I make them smile too so it is all good haha. We have been sending a lot of referrels to the way of the other Spanish Elders and the English sisters. They are having success in those actually. I find great joy in passing them off. I feel like the Lord puts trust in us in our own area by sending people outside the area to find us so that we will street contact them, or ask the right member or investigator for the right friend referrel they have. I feel like it is "extra trust" because it is outside the area they live. I know the Lord will be more apt to trust us with people in our own area as we continue to do this :) Does that all make sense? Oh and by the way we have a lesson set up with Jose AND his family this wednesday--Jose is the second guy we found through the wallet event last week. He was drinking Sprite on his porch with his friends. We are excited (The other people we found we sent to the other Elders and one of them is on baptismal date). 
Yes transfers are next week but neither of us think we'll go anywhere. Shouldn't happen. I expect that my name will appear on the text but I won't go anywhere. Sometimes I expect to get my name etched on bronze plates or a stone tablet then shipped to my apartment because transfers have been inefficient and confusing and even old-fashioned for me haha.
I love this mission. It is flying by (8 months today!?) and I can't wait to do WORK when I get home too. I love the Book of Mormon. 2 Nephi 25:26: BOM THESIS! I know that Christ lives and talks today through a living prophet. I try to read, love, and live the Liahona now that I have that on my mission and I CANNOT WAIT for conference (That is coming up!?) Keep on keeping ya'll! Paz.
Love, Elder Parry

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