Elder Jake Parry

Elder Jake Parry
Arizona Phoenix Mission

Monday, July 29, 2013

Ignacio Was Baptized

Dear Family,

Ignacio was baptized this Saturday. His wife, Luz, wants to set things straight with her parents first but says she will be baptized soon. We're not worried. Maria was in Mexico for a week. That was really frustrating. She missed her interview so we scheduled another one. Ignacio came out with us yesterday and bore his testimony with great power and authority. I don't know that there is a more prepared person out there. Rene is super solid too.

I have learned a lot about myself this week through some of my challenges and mistakes. I certainly am full of weaknesses but I am trying so hard to overcome them. I don't want this to sound all negative or anything. Just know that I am trying so hard! And It is just in my nature to never feel like I am doing enough or doing as well as I could. So i don't think I will stop trying haha. It is just an ongoing fight for me--a blessing and a curse. I am learning more and more every day about our Savior and our Heavenly Father's Plan for us.

Wow! Home is bouncing! I cannot believe Sam is almost able to drive. That is just so weird to me. And football was a good choice. Keep tearing it up! Keep the brave quarters alive. And don't forget to visit the creek! That is where you rest your muscles in the ice cold nature canyon stream, almost naked too! No matter what happens in football, just take it for what it is. Don't settle for not doing your best or not having fun because of the decisions or actions of others. Something that is good to know on the mission too haha. Sounds like Caroline had a blast in SA! That is pretty rad-not going to lie. Next time you go take me so I can eat the food and translate the language. I am pretty happy to say that I am completely comfortable with the language. That is such a blessing for me to have this early. I still hope to sharpen the skills. Are you still rolling around in the Jeep? How are things going getting ready for the Sr. year? Man, that year was blast, and I am sure it will be for you. You're one to never have let dumb things make you unhappy. Keep tearing it up. Isaac you can take joy in the fact that I will be dieting with you! Haha. I need to eat a little better so I have made that an emphasis for me the next few weeks. I think my face looks a bit chubbier (like Isaac's). Haha Just kidding. The Sports news is wild. The Ravens had their historic year--good for them. I am a Cardinals fan now. And I always knew Arod was a cheater. Sounds like Evan is having a blast working for the Polys. You should come down here with Payne. Every other Mexican I have met does landscaping for someone who lives in Glendale. All the yards up there must be comparable to the yards of Heaven. All there are in El Mirage are front yards full of dead cacti and rocks. Lots of landscaping to be done and being done, down here. Are you getting ready for school? Marriage? Kids!? I wish I could be around for all the cool house projects! Save some work for me mom! How does the house look? The bills for the projects? :D Keep up the good work dad! Being on my mission has really helped me appreciate all the work that is done behind the scenes by those holding callings. It has been especially cool to think of you in your calling while I am working with such amazing members. One of my favorites, Hermano Jenkins, served in Oregon Spanish speaking and married a Venezuelen who speaks perfect English but they decided to do Spanish because white people are weird (Hermano is white). His life is devoted to the church. It is cool to see. He has been in the Branch presidency for eight straight years and told us he doesn't forsee being released ever. The faith and dedication of the Arizona saints is astounding to me.

This week was great. Busy and tiring too. But I loved it. I learned so much. I wish I could think of what it is specifically but I cant really think of anything, otherwise I would tell you. I am going through and experiencing a lot and just wish I could cap it all in and use it. I am not yet the missionary or member I want to be so it is a good thing I have all this time left to do it :) I love you all and miss you. Thanks for all your prayers, thoughts (and yes I got the package thank you so much-check out the tie in the picture I send you) and love for me. I know that I am on the Lord's errand. I know I am entitled to His help. I know that our Savior died for each and every one of us and was so lovingly sent by His Father to do so. I know that He understands each of us and wants the best for us. Thank Him for the trials. Thank Him for each day :) Love you

Love, Elder Parry

Monday, July 22, 2013

My Own Phone

Dear Family-
Yes it has been odd wheather for two weeks. A lot of clouds, humidity, and a little rain at night sometimes. It comes in bunches. And the lightning storms are pretty dang cool. We have seen a lot of lightning but haven't heard any thunder--kinda weird. But yeah- it is monsoon season right now. It will end in a week or two I think then August comes super super strong. I have heard it is the hottest month and a white member told me when I was on exchanges this week that he has lived here 35 years and he doesn't remember a June hotter than this one. I didn't think it was that hot but we will see how August goes. I will be back on a bike August 12th so bring it on! Yes, in interviews President told Elder Miller and me that we will be going back to our areas with new companions. It will be cool. Hopefully I will train!
Interviews were fantastic. I love President and Sister Taylor. Their love for us is so strong and mine for them grows every day. President asked some very special questions to us and The Spirit just flooded the room for me. It was one of the most special experiences for me in my mission up to this point actually. I learned a lot about myself, how I can improve, and most importantly, about my love for the Savior and His love for me. It was a neat experience. We also watched the movie "2 brothers" about the two Washington Mormon brothers who grew up together and served missions in Chile and Cambodia. It reminded me a lot of our family. A LOT. It is really neat. I would definitely recommend it to all of you because their is a lot for every person in our family to relate to. I thought a lot about Shortboob. I mean Evan.
So funny fact- Elder Miller and I both have phones haha. It is acutally pretty funny because only the assistants and us have phones each. We are basically running our own areas while we are together so we are able to get a lot done with two phones. It has contributed to some disunity though which we are really working on. But, I have my own phone! Haha. I feel back at home.
The Investigators are moving on well. I would say one of the best things that has happened with an investigator up to this point on my mission is that Jose H. and his formerly-hard-hearted wife both came to church yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Jose texted me and said she enjoyed it. It was a miracle to see her. Jose was so so so happy. We were so happy. I will be here at least nine weeks longer so I REALLY hope to be here to see them both baptized. We are going to the Mesa Temple with them in three weeks so that will be special too. Everyone else is moving along fine. Clemente's heart is actually changing a bit. We started the lessons over with him. He asks more questions, is much more awake for the lessons, much friendlier to us, and is better at reading the BOM. We still need to get him to church though. We're working. Rene said he would like to get baptized--just not to get baptized only to leave the church. He is on the right track. Ignacio and Luz had their Mexican wedding at the church and that went great. They and Maria L. are still on track for Saturday. It has been a lot of (fun) work getting the baptismal program ready. We are excited. Ignacio is still studying hours a day and inviting his friends to the lessons. Omar... He is still insanely attached to the Bible and that awful 3rd to last verse in REvelations but he is still asking questions, reading the BOM a little, and we left him with the "17 points of the true church." A non-church-made pamphlet that basically says that according to the Bible, our church is the only true church. We are hoping that breaks down the barrier for Omar. The others are moving along fine too. Last week was my first in Surprise that we didn't find a new investigator. It was kind of sad. Too much driving and not enough asking for refferels. We need new people.
Well I hope I didn't bore you again this week. It has definitely been a good one and another fast one. Thanks for the emails and happenings of home. It is good to hear from Bountiful with the weekly letter from Dad and email from Mom! So Evan is dating? That is funny. I don't know what else to say though. You have my blessing. Haha. Is Evan on the marriage hunt yet? Is it a different world in your social interactions as an RM-Bachelor? The baseball news has been music to my ears. All of it. Sounds like Boston is on fire! And those two things about the All Star game gave me goosebumps oooooh yaaaa. I don't need a messenger bag. At least wait until Christmas is fine. My backpack and camelback are both great. Sounds like the summer is super busy too. Can you believe school is a month away? 7th, 10th, and 12th grade were like three of the best so you'll all have fun. Also Mom will be kept really really busy haha. I wish I could think of something funny or normal or everyday that happened this week that I could share. My mind is kind of a mush right now and I don't think I'm as sensitive to trivial happenings as I could be so I will keep my eye out for Jake moments this week. I almost forgot my name was Jake :(
I forgot to mention this last week.. the PIZZA WAS SOO GOOD!! It was perfectly timed. We ate quite a bit before going to bed two Monday nights ago. Man that was good. Thank you very much. It sounded like it took a lot of coordinating haha. The delivery man was handicapped I think. Very nice sweet guy. I felt bad for turning him around the first time but the second time he asked us if we knew Becky Parry. And I was like OOOH YES I DO (because I love you yes, and because that meant the pizza was ours!).
Las thing is that I was on bike for one day on exchanges this week. It was good to be back for a day. I sweat a lot and was sore the next day haha. Good stuff.
Love you all. This church is true. The Book of Mormon is pretty much the coolest book ever written. Our Saviour Jesus Christ was resurrected too!!
Love, Elder Parry

Monday, July 15, 2013

Standards of Excellence

Hello Family-
The work continues here in The Estrella Branch. I love it here. Elder Miller and I have been kept busy: 21 lessons this week. And we are blessed by a lot of very willing and strong members to assist us in them. We still have four set to be baptized the 27th. When Luz returns from Mexico, hshe and Ignacio will get married and baptized. Ignacio will receive the Priesthood right after the Holy Ghost and they should both be doing baptisms for the dead for their families within two weeks after that. The Lord really has put me right in the middle of a very miraculous time in the lives of these two people. I feel unworthy, inadequate, and like several other different missionaries should be the ones to enjoy these changes in the lives of others. But that isn't the point. The point is that they were found by Elders Cardoso, Hughes, Miller, and me through divine guidance and that we came at the right time in their eternal progression. It will be hard to ever beat the preparedness of these two wonderful people. As far as the other people go: Maria L. will be baptized, we have to take a break from Maria. That was kind of sad because that was two months of work for Elder Cardoso and me. She does not listen though. Pride is destructive! Clemente.. I love him and the C. family so much. But they do not go to church or read or... They do nothing more than let us come over and continue to lovingly listen to us. I will study hard for him and really rely on the Spirit because I want him to be baptized so bad. And for the benefit of him and his family too! Mario and Glenda are still tearing it up too. We have a FHE with them and five investigators tonight at their home. Melina is on date but stuff keeps coming up before church on sundays. As for Rene and Jose.... These two are so so strong. The great news from them this week is that BOTH of their parejas are showing good, strong, interested signs of investigating the church more. We talked to Maria H. with Jose on Thursday. I felt like we should go there even though they were our second back up plan. we went, they were both there, let us eat lunch, then we shared a spiritual thought. We invited Maria to church. She wasn't really up for the idea, but... Jose just starting bearing his testimony!!!! Jose just started barraging her with the Spirit and all the changes he has experienced and all he knows she can experience too. It was incredible. Jose is a different kind of prepared. Things have been happening to him the past 50 years that connect him us being in his life right now. He just wants to wait for his wife. It will happen. All in the Lord's time. What an unimaginable blessing it would be for me to be able to be here when that happens.
But... Jose had a painting job come up so he had to go work and Maria didnt want to go alone. So they will be at church next week! :)
Rene is doing well. He is still very interested and we gave a priesthood blessing for his wife last night with Nefi M. and she said she would love to listen to us and come to church when she gets over her surgery. It'll happen. Good stuff there.
I would say my only worry about this transfer is that we don't really have time to find. But I wont worry; we should be finding in everything that we do. Hopefully we can find some new investigators this week. The last couple of families were kind of duds. The lesson we had with the family of four solid awesome people on monday was loco. The Dad believes everything about the Mormon church and the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith etc., but he wont get baptized. We don't know why yet. Maybe because he's lazy. Haha. Crazy stuff. Who knows.
Elder Miller and I got Standards of Excellence this week. Minus the Baptisms. If the baptisms on the 27th hold then we will have them for this week and every other week this month that we get similar numbers. We are here in this area at a very spectacular time. I don't know what either of us did to deserve any of it but all it means is that we need to work our butts off. And that's what we're doing :) The Zone Leaders said that the Estrella numbers this week were higher than the other districts' numbers.
I want to talk about some cool things I learned about in studying this week! In Matthew 13 I read some really good aplicable parabolas. The Savior really is the perfect teacher. Part way through one his disciples interrupt him cause they want to know why he keeps teaching in parables. He basically says that people don't listen if I don't. Its true! The people we teach don't have long sttention spans and there are usually a lot of kids running around. I want to teach with analogies more and be ABLE TO RELATE the doctrine to the investigator. I am really striving to eliminate the teaching record out of my mind and teach to what they need. Not teach them something I can mark off and say that they know. Analogies.
This one is for Omar: John 17 is Christ's intercessory prayer. When he is praying on behalf of his apostles He talks about them being one with Him and His apostles. Basically; if the Catholics were right then our Savior would have a huge alter-ego of about 14 different personalities and would be talking to himself regularly referring to himself as Father, Simon-Barjona, John etc. many different times in the New Testament. Haha. I found it funny. I laughed out loud when I read it. They are one in purpose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sheesh.
Something that I studied yesterday really shook me. I was reading Moroni's stuff in Ether 12. It was so powerful. All the Faith stuff was good but it really picked up at the end for me. The Savior tells him/us that we must first come unto Him and then will He show us our weaknesses. We have to seek after them. We have to want to know what our weaknesses are and we have to admit them. This is the key to humility. He then tells us that THEN is His grace sufficient. Then can our weaknesses be made strengths. That is last though. We have to go to our Heavenly Father in humble prayer and tell Him about how we are feeling and ask Him to strengthen us through our weaknesses. Then Moroni talks about hope and charity. He says we are nothing withough charity and then he prays, out of complete humilty, that the Gentiles may have charity because he loves them. Then it gets good. 37 and 38 are what Hyrum read to Joseph in Carthage. I cannot imagine how powerful that moment was that night in Carthage. Because the verses basically say that you have done your best. Do not worry. You have charity and you have done all you can and you have put it all on the line for me and it was only to try and bless my children. You will be blessed eternally for what you have done. Do not worry-salvation is yours. And you are not responsible for their actions or hard-heartedness. At least that's what I got out of the verses. That verse perfectly apply to Joseph and to Moroni. It was really incredible to read them. I want them to apply to me. I want to lay it all out on the line. And not just here but for the rest of my life. Our lives mount up to nothing in the eternities that follow if we didn't take up our cross and follow our savior for our lives here on earth. And what a bettter time to serve His children then when we are physically separated from Him living here on the Earth now? And what a better time when the only thing I have to think about for two years is helping his children!! Also- verse 4 is really cool too. I tried to think of how Faith can be compared to an anchor. Isn't that cool? Man I wish I had all P-day to account for my week but we have to go to Zone Activity. We have to be on time there so the ZLs can still go to their daily member dinner at 5:00 tonight. Ay-Ciray. Love You family!
Love, Elder Parry

Monday, July 8, 2013

Lots of Baptisms Planned for July 27

Dear Family,

Things are going very well here in Surprise!
Basically, we have a lot of work to do with the area combining that happened last week. It is a lot of fun. We have ninww lessons scheduled for tomorrow. A lot of stuff falls through on the mission, but who knows, we could have all nine of them tomorrow! Combining investigators has been cool. I am really looking forward to the future of the Estrella Branch. I made it a goal this week to attend this branch one day when it is a ward. I know it will happen. It could even happen while I am serving here! We are teaching some strong Priesthood holders. Ignacio and Luz are set for the 27th. They are getting married this Friday too! Matrimony! and Mexican Pot Luck! It will be good, especially since they are SOLID. The only rivals to ever come close to Mario and Glenda. Anyway, they are reading everything we give them and bearing their testimonies in Sacrament meeting and highlighting stuff in the Gospel Principles class. They are doing work. It is really easy to teach prepared people! Funny story how they were found--four missionary teamwork! They live in the "El Mirage Triangle," a highly debated few blocks of El Mirage that went to the Estrella North Elders when we split the area. The majority of their work is in that small traingle so it is good that it went to them. But anyway, We had ran into a man named Martin a few months ago three different times in the library and on the street. He wasn't super interested but Elder Cardoso and kept trying to get his info, schedule a time to go over, and pass it on to the other Elders. We finally did and they went over. Ignacio listened in on the lesson and they left him a pamphlet or BOM or something. At their follow-up with Martin, Ignacio asked when he could get baptized. Kind of a cool question haha. The Lord is preparing more and more people as his work his hastening, and a lot of the time, we find the prepared in long processes like that. It was neat. Ignacio and Luz are so prepared. They are set for the 27th with Maria. In Gospel Principles, Maria was like "hey I thought I was getting baptized that day? Move my baptism forward!" There is a lot of work here!
Yes, I am back in car. It is very very boring. I miss biking so bad! El Mirage was meant to be conquered by bikers haha. The good news is that either in 6 or 12 weeks the areas should be split and I will be in Estrella Sur for even longer. Hopefully, I get to train!! Elder Miller is the bomb. He is from Seattle, speaks excellent Spanish, and we have a LOT in common: Tall, awkward, white people, we both sweat A LOT, and just everything going back to our experiences in High School and with friends and growing up are similar. He plays volleyball and soccer which is different. He is our District Leader too. And he puts up with my snoring.
My fragile pool of investigators is kind of rummaging along right now. We have to be patient with the time of the Lord! Maria and Clemente are still kind of plodding along. Rene is still loving everything. Jose WILL be baptized. He knows it and we all know it. We just need to work with his wife more and see that he continues to keep the Word of Wisdom. Melina has been hard to reach but she is still solidly keeping committments and is still set for the 27th as well.
Well, I have thought about goals a lot as of late. I made a bunch this week. Tanto for my whole mission como for right now with Elder Miller. He and and I set a goal to get mission standards of excellence at least twice while we're together. They are the numbers set by President Taylor for each companionship. It has happened once since I got to Arizona. But I know the Lord can grant our righteous desires to help others come unto Him according to the work and sacrifice we put forth. And if not, we will have acheived success in everything we do in the process of trying to achieve these goals. Hold me accountable to this goal!! We need to find new investigators, and keep all four people we have on date for the 27th!! Suena bien?
My mind is really scatter-brained right now. Sorry if this email is crazy. I know I am forgetting a lot. The week has been wild because of transfers and combining areas. A couple more things: While making calls to invite people to church yesterday Elder Miller and I watched a bird die of dehydration in the shade by the door to the church. We tried to feed it water but it was beyond saving. HAHA.
Next time (just whenever) you send a package could you send me a black shoe-marker or something that can put black on the scraped parts of my shoes, a bleach wash bar so I can rub stains out of white clothes, you've sent me one before. And a few more drink mixes. Those are awesome! I am doing perfectly fine with the heat. Really. I got more thirsty going to High school than I do here because I am drinking so much.
Thanks for all the prayers that uphold me out here. Keep Clemente in your prayers that he can receive an answer from the Book of Mormon and Melina that her progress continues. They are who I am thinking about a lot now. I know I'm experiencing miracles left and right. I just pray that I recognize them and am able to act on the promptings that come as well. Tonight and tomorrow we have three lessons planned with NEW FAMILIES! We are really looking forward to them. Pray that they go well, they feel the Spirit, and hold me accountable to them this week if you can remember :)
Sounds like Anaheim, Vegas, the family, Japan, and everything else going on is a lot of fun. Good job Dad for being the one who works! Haha. I guess Evan has a job too what is it? And Mom your job is the hardest so you win.
Livin' the young life in Youngtown!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Staying in Estrella

Hello Family,
Glad to hear Japan went well! Isaac didn't get poisoned and Evan is home for good. Good stuff. Anaheim this week!?! My goodness. Was the family always running around the globe like this when I was there, or have things changed? Go D-Backs!
This week, like all the weeks previous haha, was crazy! I'll start with transfers: Half of our zone was on the transfer list; including me, Elder Cardoso, and Elder Hughes which means that, as of now, the Estrella Branch will be getting three new missionaries. BUT I could be staying. No one really knows--it is kind of annoying. I'll find out tomorrow morning at the meeting. I was not happy to see the text though. I wanted to stay here so bad. Elder Cardoso and I reassured each other numerous times that nothing would change. The Branch is on fire right now. It really is. And the chances are that I will remain here, but I am really going to miss Elder Cardoso. We had a very memorable, exciting, busy, and even miraculous 12 weeks together. I am sad. The Lord has a purpose in everything though and we will see where I end up tomorrow morning. My guess is I will stay in the branch, change apartments, and serve in the Estrella North car area. We will see. Regardless, I will definitely reflect on these last two transfers with great apprecation and gratitude.
I understand the temperatures were very high this past week! President said Pheonix was 119, a top-5 record. A member told us that it will be cloudy for a couple weeks, somewhere in the 90s, and that it is monsoon season. That's fun! In all honesty though, it has not been bad. We were biking around all over the place Friday and Saturday and it was extremely hot but it is amazing how much the Lord sustains us out here. There have been no problems. I don't even have sweat lines on my shirt--such is the result if your entire shirt is soaked in sweat! Really though, do not worry because we are getting so much water and we have enough lessons and contacting to keep us inside. It's fun when we come back home at 9:30 and it is chilly in our 85 degree apartment haha.
The names are the same for our planners: Omar, Clemente, Maria, Valerie, Rene, the C. family and Jose? (not in that order because Omar is still 150% Christian but for some reason is still reading the BOM!) The only people I would add from this week are the G. family (yet another sister of Glenda and Melina; we keep finding more from this family and they all are receiving us well!). I feel like all these investigators are moving along, slowly but surely. I really don't understand fully how some missionaries are able to set dates with investigators so quick and get them baptized on that day. It obviously depends on a lot of things, and primarily on their preparedness I would think. All these people are moving along, but not very fast. It's all in the Lord's time though. Jose has been off coffee and beer for a week. He is golden. He wouldn't accept a baptismal date but he said he knows he will be baptized. He would like to talk to his wife first. I guess that is a good thing haha. Melina has a date for the 27th! That shouldn't fall through. She is accepting everything and reading the BOM. Rene has been difficult because of his work, but he reads everything we give him and he loves church. Maria doesn't have the "ganas" to be baptized. This just means that she needs a little more motivation. We think prayer will do that for her. Clemente.. Man.. out of all our investigators I think I want the Gospel most for him and his family. He is still letting us come over Tuesday and Thursday mornings but that's about it. He is off track for the 27th too. It is tough to get them to come to church or read the scriptures. But there have been a lot of miracles in his process so far! Last Tuesday was exchanges. I went up to Estrella North and Elder Cardoso handled things down here. They TORE IT UP. I wished I was there haha. But anyway, Elder Cardoso and Elder Hughes went over to Clemente's and he wasn't there so they talked to his wife and her sister. They said that Clemente usually drinks a beer a day and that the last one he had was four days ago and he took a few sips and said it tasted bad and then threw it away! Ay Carai! That was awesome. I felt the Spirit right when Elder Cardoso told me that, so I know there are unseen forces in Clemente's life. Keep praying for him.
Estrella Sur really is on fire. It has been a blessing to be here when the Lord needs missionaries here. We taught five lessons to investigators yesterday. There is a lot going on. Also yesterday--we street contacted into a part-member family, and a couple that hadn't been to church since they moved four years ago and they said they want to start coming back. This was in the same complex as the 10-minute knocking experience last week. I am really going to miss this place if I have to leave, or really feel way in over my head if I am leading the area. It has been good to me though.
Well I am probably missing something, but that is what is going on here. Don't worry about me. I have never felt so healthy and full of energy out here serving! The heat isn't that bad; it's kind of fun! Oh and enjoy the Red Sox, I will be doing "weekly planning" between 6 and 9 on Thursday night (July 4) haha.
Love, Elder Parry
PS  You can send stuff to me at Sun Valley. President just called us. Elder Cardoso is going back to the ward he served in for nine months to be a ZL. He is really stoked. And I am staying at my apartment, Elder Miller is moving in with me to be my companion for six weeks and There will just be one Estrella Area again. Same investigators and members for both of us. This is because the mission lost more than half of the Spanish Elders to Tempe, six from the APM left, and only one is coming from the MTC. I am really stoked too because I will be staying in the Branch, and Elder Miller and I are companions. We now don't have to coordinate members with another set of Elders! Elder Miller and I entered the MTC the same day and came to the field together. We have learned on exchanges that we have a lot in common and that we teach really well together. It will be a blessing for us both also that we don't know Spanish that well. More opportunity to learn. President said it will more than likely change in six weeks again when more Spanish speakers comes out. We will probably be in car for this area. There will be the added challenge that both sets of companionships have been very busy. Now the work is combined. But there is not a more fun and rewarding challenge!
You may not have cared about all the specifics but I told them anyway so I would remember them. I am happy with everything that has happened. So far I am 4/4 on good missionary companions and I continue to work where I am!!!