I had an interesting idea this week. You will have to bear with me as I try to explain it: I don't really remember having a whole lot of fun on my mission. I don't remember it being worthwhile either. As I look at the mission a day, week, or even a month at a time, I don't see a whole lot of fulfilling progression. But, in retrospect, my mission as a whole has been SO FUN and SO FULFILLING. It is hard to explain why because I just can't think of anything specific. I think I could do a little better at having fun on a daily basis, but overall, I have learned a couple things. People don't change in a day, week, month, year, or two years. In fact--I feel like people don't even know how to listen anymore. If you want my take on it-- if you are looking for ways to serve others and be more Christlike, it is not going to be found as much in raking leaves or snow shoveling as much as it is in LISTENING. It is something that I feel people--all of us--don't know how to do anymore in this world. Everyone is just trying to get their own opinion out there and nothing else. That is why the Spirit plays such a key role. People aren't going to change if they don't feel it. They won't feel the Spirit if we don't listen either. I have also learned that this fun and fulfillment that I have enjoyed has been provided by the Grace of the Atonement of Christ. He wouldn't expect us to serve Him out here for two years of our lives and not let us have fun for them. That doesn't sound very Christlike. He has provided great fulfillment for us when we do our best. I feel like Grace has been the caulk that has filled-in the difference for my entire mission. Sometimes I feel like, even after getting 98% wrong and 2% right, if I have done my best, the Grace of the Atonement helps me feel good. That is why I feel like I have had fun and even made a difference in something (who knows what?): The Atonement. It is true that you learn a lot about the Savior out here in the mission. I can tell you that hardly any of it is learned through study; it is living, applying, praying, and observing. Grace does the rest.
We had interviews with Pres. T this week. It was good and the usual very quick. Flashbacks to my first interview with him last April make time seem to fly by quick. He told me something I need to work on; that is self-assurance. He was basically telling me to stop looking for stuff to work on, I think. I guess it is okay to think I am doing fine rather than stressing about doing better all the time, just as long as nothing falls into cruise control. Thanks for teaching me that Mom ;-)
We had 3-4 productive weeks in the work in our area until this past week, which wasn't super busy. Our lessons cut in half because of some (a lot) of cancelling. But that is okay. It sounds like people are as busy here as they are in Utah! Haha ay caray. Keep being busy but be careful about cancelling appointments with church people. Sometimes it breaks our hearts if we are weak right? haha. I forget out in the field that we, not really having normal lives, are weaving in and out of other people's [normal] lives. Rosa Machuka came to church this sunday and brought her kids, Johan and Sergio! It was a miracle. Frankly, miracles happen every day that we miss. Do we understand what miracles are? What miracles are we missing every day? When I think of miracles in the mission field I can't think of anything specific. Sorry, I don't think I will have many specific stories to share at the homecoming (excuse the trunkiness), because I just don't remember them! I try to be true to writing them down at the end of the day--but I haven't baptized any families of 6 the first week I met them, or had someone tell me they had a dream that the Book of Mormon was true, but I am seeing miracles every day! I have learned to look at things at such a grander scale; these small-every day-miracles are what bring about God's purposes. I have seen the Lord's hand make these happen my whole time out here. Rosa coming with her two kids was a miracle. It was a miracle that she made some friends too! This is what builds my faith.
Things are getting very exciting here, for me, and I guess all of us. The open house is still getting pretty hyped up by all the wards, Jessica is still good for April (parents out of town the 20th, so probably the 27th), We are excited for conference--Elder Ramos and I had the idea of watching it in the house of some less-actives, we will see how that goes--, Easter is coming up too, TRANSFERS? I guess those are coming up, I love President Taylor very much--but I feel that he is stressing out just a little before leaving haha, the Easter Pageant is soon, and Elder Walker (temple guy) keeps teasing us about the PHX temple but still no dates! Before Dec-30 for sure though :D Also--we had a random stake meeting yesterday and I just have some thoughts- I know this Church is perfectly organized but sometimes I feel like its administration is too cautious and time is lost. Yesterday in our group of 6 missionaries and 2 stake representatives as we met to talk about the work in the stake I felt like some lame peace treaty was being signed or something because each side was trying to appease each other. Aren't we on the same team? Why can't all of us just take initiative rather than print off meeting agendas and try to convince each other that we are using our time wisely? Ay caray. PS- be looking for prospective wives that are willing to be Sr. companions (i.e. bring home the bacon, tell me what to do lovingly and I will do it) because I think Jr. Companion would be so much less tiring! (also--try to find a latina!!!)
Love, Elder Parry
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